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发表于 2010-5-13 16:42:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-13 16:43:06 | 只看该作者

  Roll One 卷一
  Chapter One: Foreword 序品第一
  Repentance and Reform 忏悔
  Heavenly Kings 天王
  Ghosts and spirits 鬼神
  Gods 天神               
  Expiation of Offenses 赎罪
  Tripitaka Dharma Master 三藏法师     
  Sanskrit 梵文
  Thus I have heard 如是我?
  Dharma-nature 法性
  Subtle, wonderful微妙
  World Honored Ones 世尊
  Measureless Life ?量?
  speak Dharma 说法
  The merit(s) and virtue(s) 功德
  The meritorious virtue (s)功德
  karmas 业
  All kinds of wisdom 一切?智
  adorned with ??
  hear the Sutra ?是?典
  With utter sincerity 至心
  Awesome virtue 威德 
  Ghost Mother鬼子母神
  In the Heaven of Thirty-three三十三天 
  Their retinues 其眷?
  Makes offerings 供?
  Cultivate 修行
  Inconceivable 不思?
  Blessings 福
  kotis 亿
  Nayutas 那由他
  Myriads 万
  Asamkhyeyas of eons 阿僧?劫
  plant good roots 种善根
  Great being 大士
  Hell being 地狱众生
  Recollect the Buddha 念佛
  spontaneously 自然
sat on the lion thrones 坐狮子座
the three thousand great thousand world system 三千大千世界
in number like sands of Ganges Rivers 恒河沙数
by the spiritual power of the Buddhas 承佛神力
rejoiced excitedly 欢喜踊跃
joined his palms 合掌
Delusion 惑
Good man 善男子
  any gods, humans, demons, Brahma gods, Shramanas[1], Brahmans[2], humans or non-humans
  living beings 众生
  Sentient beings 有情
  illumine pervasively 普照 [1
  limitless and boundless 无量无边
  sitting on the Vaidurya seats beneath the jewelled trees 坐宝树下, 琉璃座上
  made obeisance at the feet of the Buddha 顶礼佛足
  walked around him three times to the right, withdrew to one side ]右绕三匝, 退坐一面
  the honored countenance 尊严
  arose from their seats, uncovered their right shoulders, placed their right knees on the ground and said to the Buddha俱?座起。偏袒右肩。右膝著地。胡跪合掌。白佛言。
  hateful bandits from abroad 他方怨?
  suffering and affliction 苦恼
  sweet dew 甘露
  Dharma flavors 法味
  the Proper Dharma 正法
  essence and energy 精气
  Jambudvipa ?浮提
  receives and upholds the Sutra 受持经典
  Hear and accept the Sutra 听受经典
  Bhikshus, Bhikshunis, Upasakas and Upasikas 比丘。比丘尼。?婆塞。?婆夷。
  the fourfold assembly 四众
  good indeed 善哉
  the ten good deeds 十善
  eighty-four thousand 八万四千
  inconceivable collection of merit and virtue不可思?功德之聚
  Wheel Turning Sagely King 转轮圣王
  good knowing advisors 善知识
  the three evil paths 三恶道
  The three evil destinies 三恶趣
  Lord Shakya 帝释
  Lord Brahma 梵王
  amassed such good merit and virtue 聚集如是?善功德
  subdue all evils 摧伏??
  Vajra Trace Secret Spirits 金?密?
  gods in the Heavens of Neither Thought Nor Non-Thought 非想非非想天
  attain non-retreat from Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi 得不退转于阿…
  sit in the Way-place beneath the Bodhi-tree 菩提树下坐于道场
  adorn the Bodhimanda 庄严菩提道场
  deviant theories of external ways 外道邪?
  Defilement 垢

miao hui
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