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[转帖]★ International language, Esperanto

发表于 2010-5-8 16:08:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
[转帖]★ International language, Esperanto

  作者 [ LEE Jung-kee   ]


  Estimataj cxinaj samideanoj,

  Mi cxerpis artikolon pri Esperanto,kiu estis raportita en la angla jxurnalo de Korea Fremdlingva Universitato(HUFS : Hankook Universitato pri Fremdaj Studoj),en kiu mi instruas Esperanton.

  Kun salutoj, Sincere via, LEE Jung-kee

  International language, Esperanto

  How many languages are there in the world? For start, you can presume at least 16 from the languages taught in HUFS. All over the world there are many countries, races and languages. When speakers of each language gather, how can they communicate?

  What language can they use? One solution was by making an international language. Esperanto, which is one that was made for such purpose, was invented by Dr. Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof (1859~1917), a Polish oculist and linguist in 1887. The trait of Esperanto is as the following.

  First, Esperanto is useful for communicating among people of diverse nations who do not have a common mother tongue. This language is based on the Indo-European family of language. Many countries of East-European can learn it easily.

  However, thanks to the simple structure and easy pronunciation, it is easy to learn for other countries which are not from the Indo-European language family. It is usually much easier to master than other foreign language. The alphabet and grammar used in Esperanto is easy. For example, “I love you,” translated to Esperanto is “Mi amas vin,” and the past form is “Mi amis vin.” The termination of verb is simple, “~as” is the present tense, “~is” is past tense and “~os” is future tense. Also there are only 16 basic rules to follow.

  Second, it doesn’t belong to one people or one country, so it works as a neutral language. In Poland, there were many races and each had their own language. In the late 1850’s Dr. Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof felt one language would diminish conflict between the people occurred from frustration in communication. Esperanto was set to bring peace and ease the relationship of the many people in Poland through clear communication.

  The emblem shows its’ intention, the green star meaning peace. Third, Supporters of Esperanto in non Indo-European language family advocate “One nation and two languages.” When a common language is learnt, it can be helpful in many ways. As mentioned above, through clear communication cross-cultural understandings could be possible. In Korea, Esperanto had significant meanings.

  When she was under the Japanese rule, Koreans were prohibited to use mother tongue so they used Esperanto to save the nation by efficiently announcing her messages abroad. Fourth, the expansion of English and Chinese are based on the country’s dominant power over the world, without a neutral language more burdens will be put onto people when having to communicate using the new prominent language. Famous linguist Umbert Eco insists, if China becomes much stronger on world stage, Europeans will face difficulties in learning Chinese language and understanding Chinese culture.

  So, there will be bigger demand for an internationally official language. Last, Esperanto evolves and lives just like other languages, and it can be used to express all facets of human thought and emotion. This year on July, In Lithuania the World Esperanto Congress was held, 23,000 people from 70 countries conversed without interpreters. It was a special case, for many people from many countries to converse without any inconvenience.

  “Nowadays the number of people who want to learn Esperanto is increasing. Using the internet site ‘skype,’ a free telephone service program, anyone can easily chat with Esperanto users abroad.” said Lee Jung-kee, a professor at HUFS, chief of Seoul Esperanto Culture Association.

  Hong So-ra (F-01), who went to the World Esperanto Congress and the World Esperanto Youth Congress in Poland, said, “I was so impressed about how I could talk to many foreigners with the language. I had studied in France for a year, and at that time I felt like a stranger, but this time I felt intimacy.”


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